Category: shoulder

How to Avoid a Shoulder Injury

No one wants to injure their body, but there are certain things that you are doing that could result in you needing shoulder surgery. To help prevent a trip to the shoulder surgeon, take a few moments to look over the following items that could help you to reduce these risks.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to warm up properly before you plan on doing anything that will involve the use of your shoulders. This will include spending time properly stretching your muscles and ensuring that you don’t try to overdo lifting that can put too much stress on the shoulders.

In addition to warming up, you will find that another thing you can do to help reduce the need for shoulder surgery as the result of an injury, will be to build up the muscle in the area. This can be done through a series of exercises that focus on safely building the muscle mass in your shoulders and keeping it protected. If you aren’t sure if this form of exercise is good for the current condition you are in, check with your doctor or a shoulder surgeon to ensure that there isn’t an additional risk for injury. Read More


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